With the contract of the last CEO of Lok Sabha TV Seema Gupta’s coming to an end, a search party is out to find a replacement. As of now, the Executive Director (Marketing and Promotion) of Lok Sabha TV, Sumit Singh, has been appointed as caretaker CEO, though it is doubtful how much editorial experience he has.
If sources are to be believed, a special interview board has been constituted with Rahul Dev and Abhilash Khandekar as members. Now, Rahul Dev is a renowned Hindi journalist who has experience in television coverage as well. But who is this Khandekar character? Little birds chirp that he is a blue-eyed boy of ‘Tai’ and got a job in the National Bureau of a Madhya Pradesh-based Hindi daily. It is another thing that he has no experience working in TV.
On the other hand, it is quite interesting that in the list of ‘runners’ for the post of CEO of LS TV, the names that figure are those of former CEOs Rajiv Mishra and Sumit Tondan, who had curried favour during the previous UPA regime, pulling their clouts. It seems they are changing feathers with the change in regime.