Why Rushed and Hushed?

November 20 2016

People working in government mints spread across the country were under the impression that the new currency notes they were printing, would be out in the market by December.
They did not have any clue that 500 and 1,000 rupee notes would suddenly be declared illegal tender before the replacement new currency hits the market. What was the hurry for the PM?
There are signs of some panic it seems. According to sources, for the first time in the history of BJP, all cabinet ministers who came to attend the meeting, were asked to leave their mobile phones outside the meeting hall.
Therefore, it is natural to ask why the decision of currency ban, which was due only in December, was so rushed.
Scuttlebutt is that out of nowhere, a picture of the new Rs 2,000 note went viral on the social media, starting with Hyderabad on November 6, leaving no option for the government but to take the decision in a rushed and hushed manner.

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